Monday, October 27, 2014

The Essence (Spirit) of Cruising

What is it all about? You'll never know if you never go.

What could be a more spiritual path than living on the water, sailing.
You really get to experience The power of now... really being in the moment.
You treasure the simple things in life. You appreciate fresh water, fresh fruit and veges and company of others.
You help one another.
You don't waste anything, especially water.
You love life. You are out there living it and not just watching it on TV after work.
It is respecting nature and the elements.
It is watching the tides and not the time.
It is about going with the flow... literally. The flow of the ocean. The flow of the tides. The flow of nature. No strict schedule. Living in the moment.
Respect. Respect for nature. Respect for each other. Respect for the weather, nature and what nature provides for nurturing. Respect for land especially when you haven't touched ground for a while.
It is leaving the need to be validated by social media behind and replacing it with waves of euphoria as you watch the sunset as the moon rises having sunset drinks with your new friends who have just anchored near by.
It is sharing.

It is challenge. The challenge of dealing with experiences you'd never encounter on land. The challenge of safe navigation. The challenge of getting to where you planned under sail using as little engine power as possible. The challenge of sleeping through a rocky anchorage. The challenge of a jammed anchor chain. If it doesn't come up you aren't going anywhere! 
Even planning a menu to feed your crew can be challenging. Chances are where you are going has no shops to duck off to for some milk. 

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